Past BVC winner Jama Software acquires Portland analytics company Notion

Jama Software, past Bend Venture Conference winner, acquires Portland-based analytics company Notion to enhance its analytics capabilities and integrate into its product development platform.

Past BVC winner Jama Software acquires Portland analytics company Notion

Past Bend Venture Conference winner Jama Software has acquired Notion, a Portland-based analytics company. The entire Notion team will join Jama's 150 employee team to expand its analytic capabilities. Notion uses multiple data sources to understand business information and team metrics.

Turning business information into actionable data is tricky, and this is where Notion excels. Notion's technology will become part of the Jama platform. Jama creates software that helps companies produce complex products for industries such as aerospace, automotive, and medical. The acquisition will enable Jama to incorporate analytics into its lifecycle management, customer service tools, and product development best practices.

For more information, read the entire article here.

About Bend Venture Conference (BVC)

As the largest angel conference in the West, BVC takes place in beautiful downtown Bend at the historic Tower Theatre, creating a high level of entrepreneurial activity and energy. Throughout the day attendees hear company pitches, break away for lunch to continue high-level networking at nearby restaurants, and take an active role in voting to determine the Early Stage winner.

About Economic Development for Central Oregon (EDCO)

EDCO is a non-profit corporation supported by private and public members and stakeholders, whose mission is to create middle-class jobs in Central Oregon by: recruiting new employers to move to the region; helping entrepreneurs start new, scalable businesses; and working with businesses that are already here to grow their operations.

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